Floorplan & Zones
Suspension, Safety
- Weight:
- Reach and position
- Movement and entanglement prevention:
- Fire safety:
- Dust & Cleaning:
Display: Video, Audio, Graphics, Text, Website
- Video:
- Video texture and ambient sound: https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldworldworld/53313533645/in/dateposted/
- TV Display: https://app.sketchup.com/share/tc/northAmerica/JvqQKlt4C6w?stoken=oGG-0wvdbnl3SkjgBsCGOCSKvoJjn8qNJmIhlLFoLy3NeENugL7d0szMzzF_NVoy&source=web
- Graphics
- Text:
- Website: http://international-ocean-station.org/
Making of
- Top: title: International Ocean Station
- Concept in one sentence
- Modules table (black and white photos) with short description
- TV playing a 1 minute loop video
- Website Link
Section 1: Landing (5 seconds)
1 good picture
short sentence
Section 2: Get to understand a bit more (90 seconds)
1 minutes video
Paragraph explanation
Table with black and white modules
Section 3: Submit your drawing Google form
Section 3: go deep (7 minutes)
Making of
5 minutes video
Section 4: Welcome to the rabbit holes (1 hour)
All the news, making of, pictures from the workshop, opening, references